Why everyone should have a will

Making a Will and Why Everyone should make one. Click here to download pdf...

What if the deceased’s will does not provide for me?

When a deceased’s will or the intestacy law does not adequately provide for the deceased’s dependents, the deceased’s dependents may apply to the court for a maintenance order in hopes of altering the distribution of the deceased’s estate. You qualify as a dependent if you are a spouse, an unmarried daughter, an infant son, or…...

Laws of Intestacy in Singapore

In the absence of a will, your estate will be distributed in accordance to Singapore’s Intestate Succession Act. This does not apply if you are of Islamic faith. According to Section 7 of the Intestate Succession Act, the priority of distribution is as follows: (1) Spouse, children (2) Parents (3) Siblings (4) Grandparents (5) Aunts…...

The Role of an Executor of a Will in Singapore

Their role in relation to the Testator and Beneficiaries As the maker of the will, you would be known as the “testator” and the people who would inherit or benefit under your will are called “beneficiaries”. You must also appoint one or more “executor(s)” who would perform two important roles: He or she would administer…...

Employment Contracts: Confidential Information/Trade Secrets

During the signing of employment contracts, employers may request for employees to sign a separate agreement which governs the protection of confidential information and/or trade secrets that the employee has handled during the course of his/her work. Further information can be gleaned through consultation with a commercial lawyer. Would such a clause be enforceable against…...

How Does an Executor Know Where to Find The Will After Someone Passes?

In Singapore, there is no central storage area where Wills are stored. However, there is a Wills Registry, where information regarding the Will may be deposited. Such information include where the Will is held and information regarding the testator. This is not compulsory. Whether or not Will information is deposited in the Wills Registry does…...

How are Assets Distributed in the Event that there is No Will?

If you are a Singaporean who has property only in Singapore, your assets will be distributed following the rules of the Intestate Succession Act. The first question to ask is whether you have left behind a surviving spouse. IF YOU HAVE LEFT BEHIND A SURVIVING SPOUSE, BUT YOUR PARENTS HAVE PASSED AWAY AND YOU HAVE…...

How do I Obtain Letters of Administration?

You would need to obtain letters of administration if the deceased had not left behind a will. Several documents have to be prepared when filing for letters of administration: – The Statement (in Form 172(b)) – Paragraph 3 of Form 172(b) should contain the following particulars of the deceased: i. Country of which he was…...

What happens at a Mediation Session?

The mediation session will usually involve the following steps: The mediator will introduce attending parties and ask them to agree to the process and ask them to follow some ground rules. The mediator will give each party a chance to explain what their view of the problem is. The mediator facilitates parties to discuss the…...

Should I make a Will?

A Will allows you to give your assets to anyone and in any proportion you desire. What happens if I do not have a Will? If you did not create a Will, or if your Will became invalid, then your assets will be distributed according to the Intestate Succession Act. Under the Intestate Succession Act,…...