deed of separation

Deed of Separation in Singapore (‘DOS’)

What is the DOS about? A DOS is a private document which may be revoked at any time with the consent of both parties. There are two categories the deed must contain. Terms of the separation (i.e date when the parties have been separated) Ancillary issues pertaining to the issues of child custody, care and…...
child care and control

Care and Control – Father or Mother

In granting care and control to one parent, factors that a court may take into consideration include the gender of the parent, continuity of living arrangements for the child and the lifestyle of each parent. Gender of the Parent Although the laws have evolved towards achieving sex-neutrality, there is nevertheless an inherent difference between the…...

Existing Litigation vs Ancillary Matters

What happens if a third party files a separate legal suit claiming interest over the matrimonial assets? Must the ancillary matters be postponed until the civil action is concluded, or could the two matters be consolidated and heard together under the same court? The answer depends on a host of factors, such as the court…...
uber driving new law

New Laws for Grab and Uber Drivers

Amidst the slew of alternative modes of transportation come two very familiar powerhouses on Singapore’s roads, both vying for a share of the private hire-car pie. These are none other than Grab and Uber. In the interests of protecting drivers, passengers and pedestrians alike, the government passed some new laws on July 1 specifically for…...
collaborative divorce agreement

10 Things to Know about a Collaborative Divorce

1. What is a collaborative divorce? A collaborative divorce is a process which enables parties to use mediation and negotiation to settle their divorce. This is contrasted with the usual courtroom divorce proceedings. 2. What is the aim of a collaborative divorce? The primary goal of a collaborative divorce is to attempt to reach an…...
sexual harrassment

Improvements, Protection & Challenges relating to Sexual Harassment

Types of Sexual Harassment, The Law - Statutes & Case Laws. This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office Online...

How do I Apply for a Grant of Probate?

A grant of probate is a court order given to the executor appointed by the deceased in his will to administer his estate. Before filing the application, make sure that the will either expressly or impliedly appoints executors. It is best to clearly state the executors. It is also vital to ensure that the formal…...

Deed of Cohabitation

A Deed of Cohabitation is a contract between people who are living together but are not married. It is essentially entered into a ‘prenuptial agreement’ between people who are not married. It is designed to deal with property issues in the event that parties separate. Whenever you and your partner live together, or plan on…...

International Prenuptial Agreements

You need a highly experienced Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer when advising wealthy and entrepreneurial clients on protecting their wealth. Expatriate/international couples also require particular protection in light of their place of residence and business interests. Expat couples who plan to marry should consider making an international prenuptial agreement. There benefits are obvious for prenuptial agreements in conventional marriages where…...