Is Mediation Suitable For You?

Many who are considering divorce would also consider the option of mediation rather than litigation for the following reasons: It helps you save on expenses as court litigation is extremely costly It takes much less time than the average court-based divorce Mediation sessions are private compared to court proceedings that are on public record Relationships…...

Factors Affecting the Division of Assets in a Divorce

In ANJ v ANK 4 SLR 1043 at , the Singapore Court of Appeal highlighted the steps to be taken in exercising its discretion under section 112 of the Women’s Charter to divide matrimonial assets in a divorce in a “just and equitable” manner. First, the court must ascribe a ratio to the spouses’…...

How are Matrimonial Assets Divided in Singapore?

The apex Singapore Court of Appeal has repeatedly asserted that a “broad-brush approach” must be taken in the division of matrimonial assets. This means recognising both, direct financial and in-direct homemaking contributions rendered by spouses. This approach gives effect to the philosophy that “both roles are equally fundamental to the well-being of a marital partnership”…...

Requirements for a Will

Although you do not need a lawyer to make a Will, you are advised to engage the services of a lawyer for you will writing service. You should seek legal advice so that you will not risk an invalidation of your homemade will. 1. You have to be 21 years and above, of sound mind…...

The Divorce Process – In a Nutshell

In Singapore, Divorce is a 2-stage process, with each stage being contested or uncontested. Before you can start divorce proceedings in Singapore, you have to determine if the Singapore Courts have jurisdiction to hear your matter. First Stage of Proceedings At this stage, the Courts will deal with the termination of the marriage itself. Here,…...

Sports Law

The commercial nature of sports means that they have a requirement for legal representation. We advise a wide range of clients, ranging from large organizations to individuals and player / agents at a local and international level. GJC provides services such as: Drafting and negotiation of the full range of commercial agreements including management agency,…...


The Adoption of Children Act (Cap. 4, 2012 Rev. Ed.) governs the adoption of infants in Singapore. Article: How to adopt a child from the People’s Republic of China. This is a legal process where parental rights over a child are conferred to the applicants, whom one or both are not the natural parents of…...