divorce in singapore

Can I apply for Child Maintenance when I am above 21 years old?

A maintenance order ceases to be in force on the day on which the child attains the age of 21 years unless the order expressly states that it continues to be in force for a period ending after that day. However, in some circumstances, a parent’s child-rearing obligations do not cease the moment a child…...
maintenance order singapore

What if a Court in another Country has made a Maintenance Order?

If a foreign court in a reciprocating country made a Maintenance Order (“MO”) and the payer lives in Singapore, the MO can be registered in a Singapore court. However, in the event the payer moves out of Singapore, the registration will be cancelled. Enforcement of the MO Upon registration of the MO, the payee can…...
settling divorce

Guide to Divorce Settlements in Singapore

WHY SETTLE? A divorce need not necessarily be the stressful and emotionally draining process it is often depicted as. If both parties are able to come to a consensus about how they want to finalise their divorce (i.e., having an “uncontested divorce”), neither party need ever set foot in a courtroom. What are the benefits?…...
employment contract singapore

Non-Compete Clauses in Employment Contracts

By Lena Tan Are you deliberating whether to accept an employment offer but are unsure if you would be in breach of a non-compete clause in your previous employment contract? Or are you an employer who is currently facing issues with an ex-employee who appears to have breached the non-compete clause? This article seeks to…...
managing toxic divorce

Managing A Toxic Divorce

Divorce proceedings can be painful and challenging for everyone involved. But toxic partners can make things worse. More often than not, high-conflict spouses will lengthen the duration of the divorce proceedings and create numerous problems that prevent successful redressal. Tips on how to manage a toxic, high-conflict divorce Recognize the signs of a high-conflict divorce…...
variation order singapore

Variation of Court Orders in Singapore

TWO KINDS OF ORDERS JUDGE MADE ORDERS BY CONSENT ORDERS Parties have the opportunity to adduce evidence Parties may not wish to / have the opportunity to adduce evidence The Court reviews the evidence and hears legal arguments before coming to an order The Court does not generally intervene (unless the orders contravene the law)…...
planning for divorce

Six Factors That Predict Divorce

Relationships, including marriages, are never easy, given their complex nature. From financial woes, infidelity to disrespect, many factors can disturb the foundation that a marriage is built on, leading to a divorce if unaddressed. Here are the six factors that predict divorce. Contempt Of all the predictive factors, contempt is the most prominent one. Based…...
dissipating assets during divorce

How to Prevent my Spouse from Dissipating Assets During a Divorce?

While it would be ideal for there to have been an uncontested divorce, it is common that divorcing parties end up with acrimonious relationships and a lack of trust between them by the time a divorce is sought. As such, there may be cases of spouses seeking to dissipate matrimonial assets, such as by spending…...
how to adopt a child in singapore

How to Adopt a Child in Singapore

Looking to adopt a child in Singapore? While adopting a child is an exciting and fulfilling experience, there are many things you need to be aware of. There are multiple steps involved in the adoption process, from your eligibility and obtaining consent from birth parents to the documents you need to submit. Here are the…...
home study report singaporet

Adoption in Singapore: What is a Home Study Report?

One of the most important steps in the adoption process is the preparation of the Home Study Report. You will need a Home Study Report (HSR) if you are adopting a child in MSF care or a foreign-born child. Here is a closer look at what the Home Study Report is all about, what factors…...