Preparing for Your Initial Meeting with a Family Lawyer: A Guide by GJC Law
Deciding to separate from your spouse is a significant step, and seeking legal advice from a seasoned divorce lawyer is the next logical step. At GJC Law, we understand that meeting with a family lawyer for the first time can be daunting. Our strong team of very experienced, dedicated family lawyers is here to guide…...
Deed of Reconciliation
A Deed of Reconciliation is an agreement that may be entered into by parties who have previously separated or initiated divorce proceedings but have since decided to attempt to reconcile and continue their relationship instead. It helps establish clear guidelines and expectations for both parties as they work towards rebuilding their relationship. A Deed of…...
GJC Laywers Represents Man Accused of Taking Upskirt Videos
A man was charged in court for intruding on women’s privacy by filming up their skirts. The man had allegedly used his cellphone camera to film up the skirt of one woman on December 9 last year. The man faces two other counts of similar offences at the same place, between the end of November…...
Custody & Access Evaluation in High Conflict Divorce
In cases where child custody and access issues are heavily contested, the Court may order a Custody & Access Evaluation Report. In this exercise, counsellors carry out a thorough assessment on relevant factors such as; the needs and wishes of the child care arrangements the strengths and weaknesses of each parent the relationship of the…...
Hague Convention FAQ`s
What if my spouse “kidnaps” our child to another country? The biggest nightmare of any parent going through a divorce is the possibility of never seeing his or her child again. Even worse, when you wake up the next day or return home from work only to find out that your spouse and the child…...
What to Do to Prepare for Separation or Divorce
If you are considering filing for divorce in Singapore, preparing for what lies ahead with the guidance of your divorce lawyer is the best way to minimize divorce's emotional and financial impact...
What Happens During the Divorce Process?
Dealing with Divorce is never easy whether you have taken the decision or your spouse has initiated it. Divorce laws are laid out in the Women’s Charter, and Section 94 of the Charter. You need to be married for a minimum of three years to apply for Divorce in Singapore. "The only ground for divorce…...
Signs Your Spouse is Planning a Divorce
Often, the husband or the wife is unaware that their spouse is planning for divorce. Although the signs of a relationship turning sour are usually obvious, there are many cases where divorce signs are not so obvious. Ignoring or not recognizing the red flags or the subtle signs of divorce can leave you unprepared for…...
Joint Custody of the Child Explained
In the law, joint custody involves sharing two broad and sometimes complicated parenting essentials: making decisions about your children and dividing their time between you and your ex. Decision-making is called joint legal custody. Time is called joint physical custody. "A parent may have joint custody even though the child resides with another parent." What…...
Are you Seeking a Fast, Cheap Divorce?
In Singapore, an uncontested divorce is the fastest way to end a marriage cheaply. You and your spouse need to have 100% agreement on the grounds for divorce and ancillary matters; that is: Child custody & support Property settlement agreement Spousal support Financial issues Fault grounds Do you believe that you will have all these…...