claim wages

How to Make a Claim for Unpaid Wages in Singapore

Being paid for our hard work is a right that we all have. However, there are instances where employers fail to pay their employees, pay them less than what they are owed or pay them later than they are supposed to. If you are experiencing this issue, know that there are ways to make a…...
divorce narrative

Controlling the Divorce Narrative – Your Story

In Singapore, divorce cases involve children issues including custody, care and control and access, division of assets and maintenances for children and spouse. But did you know that there is something else that plays a crucial role in your case? It is your narrative. Your story can determine the outcome of your divorce case. In…...
lemon law singapore

Understanding Lemon Law and the Consumables It Applies to in Singapore

Have you ever purchased a product that turned out to be faulty despite your best efforts to ensure you were buying the right thing? This can be an incredibly frustrating and time-consuming process, but thankfully there’s the Lemon Law in Singapore. This law was designed to protect consumers who unknowingly purchase faulty products. But what…...
navigating childs best interest

Navigating the Children’s Best Interests in Divorce – Are they Aligned with Yours?

During divorce proceedings, your child is at the centre of everything. It is your priority and the court's priority to protect their best interests. In determining what is in your child's best interests, considering how their other parent meets their needs is often necessary. Unfortunately, these discussions can often lose focus. In this article, we…...
employment contract in singapore

Understanding Employment Contracts in Singapore: A Comprehensive Guide

In Singapore, employment contracts serve as vital legal documents that establish employers' and employees' rights and responsibilities. Whether you're a job seeker or an employer, it's essential to understand the critical aspects of employment contracts to ensure a smooth working relationship. This blog post will provide a comprehensive guide to employment contracts in Singapore, covering…...
work place harassments

Legal Framework for Workplace Harassment-How a Lawyer Can Help

Workplace harassment is a grave issue that can harm individuals and organizations. In Singapore, stringent laws and regulations are in place to address workplace harassment and protect the rights of employees. This blog delves into the legal framework surrounding workplace harassment in Singapore. It explores lawyers' crucial role in assisting victims in navigating this complex…...
divorce mediation

The Benefits of Mediation During Divorce for Your Children

The divorce process can be divisive, bitter, and cause anguish for the entire family. It is often children who suffer most during this process due to the disruptions and emotional stress they experience. The good news is that there are steps you can take to support your children during these trying times, and mediation is…...
bto before mop

Divorce as you Approach the 3-year Mark: Understanding what Happens to your BTO Flat if MOP is Not Reached?

When approaching the three-year mark in marriage and contemplating divorce in Singapore, one primary concern might be your jointly owned Build-to-Order (BTO) flat, especially if you still need to meet the five-year Minimum Occupation Period (MOP). MOP is generally a period of five years during which a couple must occupy the flat. The flat cannot…...
access and custody orders

Care & Control Battles: Can A Mother Lose?

In the past, it was common for mothers to have care and control of their children post-divorce. However, societal norms and legal perspectives have evolved, leading to a shift in such arrangements. It may prompt the question: What circumstances can result in a mother losing care and control of her child? In earlier times, it…...
how divorce affects couple

Does Divorce Affect Parents Differently than Childless Couples?

A divorce can significantly alter the structure of a family. While the emotional and financial repercussions of divorce are well-documented, the effects may differ for parents compared to couples without children. We examine the differences between divorcing couples with children and those without, shedding light on how it can affect them. Emotional Rollercoaster: The Parental…...